Personal Development

Every Good Gift: Overcoming Rejection and Insecurity

2024-10-29T12:28:49+00:00April 15th, 2024|Coaching, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development|

There are countless ways that we may experience rejection. From childhood to adulthood, these wounds are usually inflicted by those with whom we felt safe such as parents, partners, or other influential people. When we are experiencing the fallout from disapproval, denied love, attention, or interest, it is important that we soak in the Truth of God’s Word as our remedy. Although the enemy seeks to destroy us with perception, whether it is how we perceive others or how we believe that they see us, he operates in lies. While everyone may not receive the gift of who we are, we still have immeasurable value. When we elevate the opinion of people above our Maker, we afflict our souls with shame and rejection. As a result, we partner with insecurity and agree with a lowly self-view that God didn’t create or endorse. Although others may have rejected you, the Father does not. Others may have withdrawn themselves from you, but you can embrace the self-compassion and grace to heal and redeem what is broken and lost. Search Scripture and find where you are seen and known, accepted, and beloved as the Father’s dear child. Fight rejection by agreeing with God’s Word Break up with the wrong view that suggests you are inadequate in any way. The voice of the accuser often works against us to promote insecurity and disconnection from our true identity. When we consistently read and hear the Truth of God’s Word, we train our souls to identify with it personally. When we submit ourselves to God’s authority, despite what our emotions and experiences may scream, we transform and evolve. This frees us to encounter and discover who God knew was there all along. Acknowledge what the Father calls good You worship God when you agree with [...]

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8 Ways to Boost Self-Improvement

2024-09-25T08:51:49+00:00February 9th, 2024|Coaching, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development|

We all have our moments of doubt. We doubt our self-image, confidence, and ability, especially if we have faced a letdown such as betrayal, trauma, or loss. Because of this, we can all benefit by self-improvement. To gain our confidence back, we need to invest in ourselves. We need to improve. Many American citizens (around 40%) work on improving themselves, and the personal development industry brings in an estimated $11 billion annually in the U.S. We feel the need to be more than we are, the version of ourselves we have settled for. Self-improvement can help deepen our relationship with God, our identity in Him, and our personal and professional relationships. Tips to boost self-improvement Are you looking for ways to boost your self-confidence and work on self-improvement? There are several habits you can form that will make a difference. The secret is adopting each task as a habit. You can change your life by practicing each habit consistently, making it a lifestyle. Consider what a difference a week, month, and year can make if you consistently practice these habits. Live a healthy lifestyle What you put into your body and how you treat that body reflects in your physical and mental health. Most people do not understand the mind-body connection, but if you follow a healthy lifestyle by eating nutritious food in moderate quantities and exercising consistently, you will improve much more than just your physical health. Stay teachable Never stop learning. Researchers now know that the brain continues to make new neural pathways throughout our lives. When you learn and repeat a new skill, you create a neural pathway. Staying teachable and setting goals to learn something new every few months will help you grow. Embrace courage Do you want a quick boost in confidence? Do something [...]

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Pushing Away From Emotional Eating

2024-09-25T08:49:42+00:00December 29th, 2023|Coaching, Eating Disorders, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development|

There is no getting around the fact that our bodies need food to survive. It is the way we get nutrition and energy. Food is a central part of life. There are times when it is the centerpiece at a social event. Eating has become more than just a means of survival. It has become a way for us to connect with friends and family. We create a special menu for every event in life. It is no surprise that because of this connection to food, there has become a concerning issue with its abuse. There are so many ways that food has become the center of health concerns. Pushing away from emotional eating means teaching ourselves how to use food as a means of nutrition rather than coping. Emotional eating can be triggered by various situations. These triggers can be internal and external depending on the person and the situation. Stress at work or home is one of the more common causes, but relationship and financial struggles can also be external triggers. Internal causes for eating issues usually revolve around restrictive diets or dieting history. Ways to stop emotional eating. Learning to change a habit can be hard and even more so with a behavior such as emotional eating. One of the most important ways to help with emotional eating is to understand the emotions that cause the behavior. Pushing away from emotional eating is an intentional action aimed at making a change. Here are a few ways to help stop emotional eating: Create a diary of emotions. This can help you identify the emotions that trigger this eating behavior. Make note of what happened, your feelings, and when you decided to eat. This will take some practice. It will not be a perfect tool, but it can [...]

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Stable in the Storm: Bible Verses for Finding Strength in Hard Times

2024-10-29T12:30:45+00:00November 10th, 2023|Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Spiritual Development|

Whether we view life as a roller coaster or a carousel, the endless motion can dizzy us and throw us off course without the stability of God’s Word. However, God’s gives us strength in hard times to emerge from every challenge, thriving and encountering a fresh dimension of glory. Jesus has already secured victory, having conquered every principality and power that masterminds the evil we see playing out in the world (Colossians 2:15; Ephesians 6:12). While this may be part of our reality, trials are not meant to defeat us, but rather to learn facets of God’s character and become more like Jesus. While we learn much through these experiences, we can refer to the Scripture to gather the grace needed to chart through difficulty and Bible verses to find strength in hard times. God’s Word releases purpose. When we read, study, and apply Scriptural principles, we heal, grow, and change. Furthermore, we gather insight into our own identity and kingdom authority as sons and daughters. God has fashioned us with a holy calling that we don’t have to cower from. We can walk confident and worthy of this, simply because He has called us (2 Timothy 1:9; Ephesians 4:1; 1 Peter 2:9). The unique assignments that God has prepared us for await us to exercise the natural and spiritual gifts with which He has equipped us (Ephesians 2:10; 1 Corinthians 12:4, 12-13). In doing so, the active nature of God’s Word works from within to help us advance the gospel, discipling others through our testimony and life transformation. God’s Word releases power. There are countless unknowns we will encounter in life. However, the one answer we need above all is Jesus Himself, the Word of God (John 1:1,14). When we arm ourselves, resolving to meditate on Bible verses [...]

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6 Tips for Preventing Burnout

2024-10-29T12:31:08+00:00July 20th, 2023|Coaching, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Professional Development, Spiritual Development|

Have you ever felt like you had nothing else to give? As if you can’t keep going in your job, your daily responsibilities, or a family responsibility? If so, you may be experiencing burnout. The concept of burnout represents feeling overwhelmed, spent, or exhausted by a situation you are in. It is a type of stress that is carried for some time without relief. This can happen to people at any age in any situation. It is less about what you are facing than it is about how it feels for you. When do people feel burnout? Burnout is a real issue for people in so many scenarios. There are no rules to burnout, whom it affects, why it impacts them, or for how long. Some examples of times people feel burnout are: In a job where they work hard and feel underappreciated. Functioning as a caregiver for someone with medical needs. As a stay-at-home parent responsible for the needs of the family and household. During school when you feel the pressure of assignments and achievement. These are just a few examples. The possibilities vary as much as the people who experience burnout. Preventing burnout If we are all at risk for burnout in a variety of scenarios, how do we prevent it? Can we do anything to ensure that we don’t struggle with emotional, physical, or mental exhaustion brought on by prolonged stress? While there are no guarantees, there are some tools that you can build into your life now to prevent burnout in the future. Get adequate sleep. Sleep is an important part of your overall well-being. Getting the right amount of quality sleep for your body and brain will help you function well daily and equip you to better handle stress in your life. This can [...]

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How to Become an Active Listener

2024-09-25T08:51:32+00:00November 18th, 2022|Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Relationship Issues|

As adults, we spend most of each day communicating, and 55% of this communication consists of listening and observing. We listen to gain information, we listen to understand, and we listen for enjoyment. Some people tend to be on the quieter side, talking less and being more observant of details like body language and people’s moods, making one a good active listener. Others, who are more talkative and less aware of details, make only decent listeners, but not good active listeners. However, with practice, both types can become better active listeners. Hearing or listening? The difference between listening and hearing is focus and intentionality. A person may relay information to us and, without trying at all, we will register the facts of the information and little else. This is hearing. We may only be hearing when it comes to instances like a child talking about their day at school, a teacher conducting a dull lesson, or a colleague sharing information you have already heard. We might call this “skim listening” or “scan listening,” meaning that we are simply listening for information and no other details. Active listening is when we pay careful attention to all that is being communicated to us, both verbally and non-verbally. Not only do we take in and understand what is being said, but we discern what remains unsaid, and we respond to, reflect and react appropriately to the communication. This makes the speaker feel valued, seen, heard, and understood. It takes practice and patience to become a good active listener. It begins with being intentional about absorbing as much information from the communication as possible. Working at developing and improving active listening can greatly impact our parenting, our relationships, and even our career. What does being an active listener look like? When we communicate, we [...]

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Implementing Stress Management Techniques

2024-09-25T08:50:49+00:00September 27th, 2022|Anxiety, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development|

Stress is unavoidable. Sometimes we stretch ourselves too thin with too much work and too little time. Or we are saddled with responsibilities and not enough help. Other times, trauma or natural disaster makes life seem almost unbearable. Stress is a fact of life. But you can decrease the effects of stress by practicing a few stress management techniques. Ideas for Implementing Stress Management Techniques Stress management techniques do not have to be complex. You can try as many or as few as you would like, but try to incorporate the activities into your daily routine, if possible. You want to decrease your stress, not add to it. If the list seems daunting, try adding just one activity for a week. If you notice a difference, add a new technique the following week. Avoid Alcohol and Chemical Substances Overconsumption of alcohol and using chemical substances can make stress worse. These addictions can also make you physically ill and exacerbate mental conditions like anxiety and depression. If you struggle with addiction, begin cutting back on your alcohol consumption and seek treatment for it and chemical dependence. The sooner you move away from these two vices, the better your overall health. Manage a Sleep Routine Insufficient sleep can leave you tired, irritable, and unable to handle stress. Stress can also interfere with rest causing sleep disturbances such as insomnia, nightmares, and the inability to fall back to sleep if awakened during the night. Winding down in the evening tells your brain that it is time to prepare for bed. Create a bedtime routine to signal that it is time to relax. Stop work earlier in the evening. Finish dinner at least three hours before bed to ward off digestive problems like acid reflux when you lie down. If you work out [...]

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5 Tips for Personal Development

2025-01-08T06:16:46+00:00September 3rd, 2022|Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Spiritual Development|

Do you have goals for personal development? Any time of the year is a good time to make a fresh start on your personal development goals. You can use these five tips to improve your outlook, your focus, and your skills. These tips are practical and will make a big difference even though they don't take much time to implement. You can make good changes in your daily routines as you use these tips to inspire you. Mindfulness for personal development A fast-paced lifestyle keeps many of us focusing on what's most important. If you are a high achiever, you have many responsibilities on your plate. It may be easy to get caught up in these projects yet feel drained at the end of the day. If you always feel like you need to catch a breath from the fast pace of your life, mindfulness is a great way to do this. Mindfulness is an excellent way for Christians to boost their personal development in all kinds of areas. Research has proven that mindfulness improves concentration, lowers stress levels, encourages mental and physical health, and is a catalyst for spiritual growth. Only a few minutes of mindfulness each day can have a big impact on your peace level. To grow more mindful, you simply need to pay attention to what your five senses are taking in. Take a few moments to mentally record what you see, hear, touch, taste, and smell. Slow down while you are doing your daily devotions and Bible reading to bring extra layers of concentration to your spiritual experience. As you contemplate each sensation, thank God for giving you the ability to enjoy and appreciate his creation through your five senses. Mealtime is an especially good time to practice mindfulness. People who are mindful about [...]

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How to Deal with Loneliness: Causes and Coping Strategies

2024-09-25T08:48:15+00:00July 13th, 2022|Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development|

Everyone needs social connection and fulfilling friendships, whether they are aware of it or not. We desire to be seen, understood, and appreciated for who we are. When those needs are not met, we may feel distressed and uneasy. This uncomfortable feeling is loneliness. Loneliness can be experienced on a spectrum of intensity, from occasional and mild to chronic and debilitating. No one is immune from experiencing loneliness, including married people, partnered people, and children. Before 2020, loneliness was so prevalent across the United States, Asia, and the United Kingdom that it was already labeled a “behavioral epidemic.” In the post-pandemic world, the number of people experiencing loneliness has only climbed. Loneliness has been linked to an array of health issues, including heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, arthritis, increased production of stress hormones, poor sleep patterns, and weakened immune systems. This may not be an easy topic for people to tackle. In the case of a lonely spouse, there may be shame and even guilt in admitting to feelings of loneliness. However, before we can determine how to cope with loneliness, it is important to understand where it stems from in your life, and how it manifests. Causes of Loneliness Research into the topic, such as the UCLA Loneliness Scale, looks at various aspects of a person’s life, to what degree they feel left out or included, how “in tune” they feel with those around them (including their spouse or romantic partner and family), and whether they feel that they have at least one person they can turn to in times of strife Among the adult population aged between twenty-two and thirty-five, the majority who experience loneliness are the unemployed and those of a lower income bracket. This is probably because most adult friendships are initiated in the workplace. [...]

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The Best Bible Verses for Self-Growth

2025-01-08T06:17:24+00:00June 6th, 2022|Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Spiritual Development|

Are you on a quest for self-growth in this season of your life? Studying and meditating on certain Bible verses for self-growth can help you stay on track on the path that you want to travel. Bible Verses for Self-Growth These Bible verses for self-growth can help you grow in both your personal and spiritual life. Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is your true and proper worship. – Romans 12:1, NIV For the greatest level of self-growth, you must be willing to live a life of sacrifice. You cannot only live for yourself, but you can offer your full self to God, who will then help you know how you can serve others. Be sure to keep the commands of the Lord your God and the stipulations and decrees he has given you. – Deuteronomy 6:17, NIV Obedience to God is a key to self-growth. It's good to study His word daily to learn the areas where you need to make improvements and changes. As you spend time in His word every day, you will notice growth in yourself and your faith. The way of the sluggard is blocked with thorns, but the path of the upright is a highway. – Proverbs 15:19, NIV People who are committed to self-growth are hardworking and disciplined. Their path is smoother because they take steps to make plans and follow through. You can learn tips on how to pave a smoother path ahead by meeting with a Christian counselor. I remembered my songs in the night. My heart meditated and my spirit asked. – Psalm 77:6, NIV You can even practice self-growth in the middle of the night. If you [...]

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