Pushing Away From Emotional Eating

By |2023-12-29T12:06:37+00:00December 29th, 2023|Coaching, Eating Disorders, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development|

There is no getting around the fact that our bodies need food to survive. It is the way we get nutrition and energy. Food is a central part of life. There are times when it is the centerpiece at a social event. Eating has become more than just a means of survival. It has become a way for us to connect with friends and family. We create a special menu for every event in life. It is no surprise that because of this connection to food, there has become a concerning issue with its abuse. There are so many ways that food has become the center of health concerns. Pushing away from emotional eating means teaching ourselves how to use food as a means of nutrition rather than coping. Emotional eating can be triggered by various situations. These triggers can be internal and external depending on the person and the situation. Stress at work or home is one of the more common causes, but relationship and financial struggles can also be external triggers. Internal causes for eating issues usually revolve around restrictive diets or dieting history. Ways to stop emotional eating. Learning to change a habit can be hard and even more so with a behavior such as emotional eating. One of the most important ways to help with emotional eating is to understand the emotions that cause the behavior. Pushing away from emotional eating is an intentional action aimed at making a change. Here are a few ways to help stop emotional eating: Create a diary of emotions. This can help you identify the emotions that trigger this eating behavior. Make note of what happened, your feelings, and when you decided to eat. This will take some practice. It will not be a perfect tool, but it can [...]