Individual Counseling

How to Deal with Loneliness: Causes and Coping Strategies

2024-09-25T08:48:15+00:00July 13th, 2022|Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development|

Everyone needs social connection and fulfilling friendships, whether they are aware of it or not. We desire to be seen, understood, and appreciated for who we are. When those needs are not met, we may feel distressed and uneasy. This uncomfortable feeling is loneliness. Loneliness can be experienced on a spectrum of intensity, from occasional and mild to chronic and debilitating. No one is immune from experiencing loneliness, including married people, partnered people, and children. Before 2020, loneliness was so prevalent across the United States, Asia, and the United Kingdom that it was already labeled a “behavioral epidemic.” In the post-pandemic world, the number of people experiencing loneliness has only climbed. Loneliness has been linked to an array of health issues, including heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, arthritis, increased production of stress hormones, poor sleep patterns, and weakened immune systems. This may not be an easy topic for people to tackle. In the case of a lonely spouse, there may be shame and even guilt in admitting to feelings of loneliness. However, before we can determine how to cope with loneliness, it is important to understand where it stems from in your life, and how it manifests. Causes of Loneliness Research into the topic, such as the UCLA Loneliness Scale, looks at various aspects of a person’s life, to what degree they feel left out or included, how “in tune” they feel with those around them (including their spouse or romantic partner and family), and whether they feel that they have at least one person they can turn to in times of strife Among the adult population aged between twenty-two and thirty-five, the majority who experience loneliness are the unemployed and those of a lower income bracket. This is probably because most adult friendships are initiated in the workplace. [...]

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Scriptures about Worry to Help You Find Peace in God

2025-01-08T06:17:10+00:00July 7th, 2022|Anxiety, Featured, Individual Counseling, Spiritual Development|

What is worry? Our English word “worry” comes from an old word that means “to strangle,” and worry certainly does strangle people physically mentally, and spiritually. There are many Scriptures about worry. In the Bible, the term translated “be careful” or “be anxious” comes from a root meaning “to be torn apart.” Worry comes when the thoughts in our minds and feelings in our hearts pull in different directions and tear us apart. The mind thinks about problems and this feeds additional feelings into the heart and there is a vicious cycle set up that tears the person apart. With the mind we know we should not fret; but with the heart, we cannot help ourselves. But what if these problems are more than the late bills? More than a missed appointment. More than a flat tire. What if it’s more? More on top of more!! What if it’s a sickbed? The death of a loved one? An affair? There are many Scriptures about worry. Consider how God comforts His people with the book of Joshua and his story. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9 God had buried His workman, but His work had to go on. Israel had just finished mourning for Moses and now God speaks to Joshua concerning his responsibilities as the new leader of the nation. What a tall order, right? Can you imagine following in Moses’ steps to fill his shoes? All this time Joshua no doubt missed and mourned his friend. His confidant. His mentor. What a commission! God had singled out Joshua to be Moses’ successor as far back as Exodus 17. Moses was told to [...]

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Fighting that Feeling: What to Do When You Feel Depressed

2024-09-25T08:52:22+00:00June 22nd, 2022|Depression, Featured, Individual Counseling|

The “blues” hit everyone at one time or another. However, pervading sadness can lead to depression. Depression is a mental health condition that is treatable with professional help. But you can work at lifting your mood when you feel depressed and changing your emotional state. God did not intend for you to live defeated and discouraged, let alone depressed. Do You Feel Depressed? What are the symptoms of depression? A deep, persistent sadness Feeling worthless or as if the world would be better without you Sleeping too much or having trouble sleeping Rapid weight changes Appetite changes A negative outlook on life Thoughts of harming yourself, self-harm Fatigue or little energy Loss of interest in hobbies and things you enjoyed Trouble concentrating or focusing on tasks Anger or irritability Unexplained physical ailments like headaches and stomachaches Thoughts of suicide or suicide attempts If you are having thoughts of suicide, reach out for help today. It is not too late to reverse the effects of depression and get your life back. How to Pull Yourself Out of Depression Depression can rear its ugly head from any number of causes. You might be depressed from trauma, neglect, circumstances, guilt, shame, chemical imbalance, or something else entirely. Sometimes it can feel difficult to beat. You might not want to get out of bed. You no longer feel any interest in the things you once loved. Nothing seems worth the effort. Depression is a liar. It tries to overshadow our joy. The following are some tips you can use today when you feel depressed: Get Outdoors Researchers are confirming what many of us have known for a long time, that getting outdoors and into nature can lift your mood when you feel depressed. A study published in Environmental Health found that cognitive ability [...]

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6 Tips for Dealing with a Complicated Relationship

2024-10-30T09:00:48+00:00June 17th, 2022|Couples Counseling, Featured, Individual Counseling, Relationship Issues|

When you have a complicated relationship, life can feel stressful and draining. Maybe you have been caught off guard by problems in your relationship even though they feel familiar to you. Dysfunction is like this – it can keep us off balance and make us feel so frustrated we want to scream. But there are several ways that you can deal with a complicated relationship and not let it run your life any longer. Tips for Dealing with a Complicated Relationship   The dysfunction in a complicated relationship could be deeply rooted, widespread, and related to many different factors. It’s often best to discuss your complicated relationship with a Christian counselor who can give you an outside, judgment-free perspective. You can also take steps like the ones described below to reduce your stress, deal with a complicated relationship, and prepare yourself for meetings with the difficult individual. 1. Perform a Self-Check Dysfunction in complicated relationships is rarely relegated to one person. If you bear even 1% of the burden of dysfunction in your relationship with the difficult person, you can make changes that will bring health into the relationship. This is why you need to perform a self-check to learn what you can control. Consider the following example. A father drinks during a holiday gathering, and eventually becomes irritable and begins to criticize his adult daughter. The daughter had quietly tolerated it in the past but developed resentment in her heart toward her father. To make a change at the next holiday gathering, she could excuse herself after dinner, so she would not be exposed to her father’s irritation that leads to criticism. That’s the 1% that she can control. Here is another example. You may refrain from voicing your opinions in an attempt to keep the peace. But [...]

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The Best Bible Verses for Self-Growth

2025-01-08T06:17:24+00:00June 6th, 2022|Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Spiritual Development|

Are you on a quest for self-growth in this season of your life? Studying and meditating on certain Bible verses for self-growth can help you stay on track on the path that you want to travel. Bible Verses for Self-Growth These Bible verses for self-growth can help you grow in both your personal and spiritual life. Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is your true and proper worship. – Romans 12:1, NIV For the greatest level of self-growth, you must be willing to live a life of sacrifice. You cannot only live for yourself, but you can offer your full self to God, who will then help you know how you can serve others. Be sure to keep the commands of the Lord your God and the stipulations and decrees he has given you. – Deuteronomy 6:17, NIV Obedience to God is a key to self-growth. It's good to study His word daily to learn the areas where you need to make improvements and changes. As you spend time in His word every day, you will notice growth in yourself and your faith. The way of the sluggard is blocked with thorns, but the path of the upright is a highway. – Proverbs 15:19, NIV People who are committed to self-growth are hardworking and disciplined. Their path is smoother because they take steps to make plans and follow through. You can learn tips on how to pave a smoother path ahead by meeting with a Christian counselor. I remembered my songs in the night. My heart meditated and my spirit asked. – Psalm 77:6, NIV You can even practice self-growth in the middle of the night. If you [...]

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Anger Management According to the Bible

2024-09-25T08:49:56+00:00May 5th, 2022|Anger Issues, Featured, Individual Counseling, Men’s Issues, Women’s Issues|

Do you struggle with anger management issues and wonder what the Bible has to say? If so, this article on Bible verses about anger may be just what you are looking for. Knowing what it says about anger can help you process it and deal with it more positively. The Bible tells us that not all anger is bad. Anger can be righteous or unrighteous, depending on what makes you angry, what you do with it, whether it controls you, etc. Anger Management: Righteous anger Righteous anger is a response to injustice and wrongdoing, to people taking advantage of the weak and poor, to things that dishonor God. It focuses on the defense of others or principles and confronts both the sin and the sinner. Righteous anger is the kind of anger God feels toward the wicked, and that Jesus expressed when He drove the moneychangers out of the temple. It does not stir up conflict, cause quarrels, or lead to wrongdoing or unforgiveness. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. – Romans 1:18 The Passover of the Jews was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. In the temple, he found those who were selling oxen and sheep and pigeons, and the money-changers sitting there. And making a whip of cords, he drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and oxen. And he poured out the coins of the money-changers and overturned their tables. And he told those who sold the pigeons, “Take these things away; do not make my Father's house a house of trade.” – John 2:13-16 Anger Management: Unrighteous anger While anger is a natural human response, it can also be unrighteous. Anger can be [...]

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