6 Reasons You Feel Like You Are Getting Old

By |2023-09-20T09:53:13+00:00July 25th, 2022|Aging and Geriatric Issues, Featured, Individual Counseling|

While everyone ages at different rates, one thing all humanity shares is the fact that getting old is normal. We may put attractive labels on it, such as aging gracefully or advancing in years, but the truth is that there are multiple reasons you are getting old. Some of them may be associated with the reasons you feel you are getting old, and some may not. Genetics can play a huge role in your ability to feel like you are getting old or not. 6 Reasons You May Feel Like You're Getting Old Nonetheless, here are six reasons you may feel like you are getting old: Your skin has less color in it than it did a few years ago. When you notice a paler skin tone than what you’re used to, this can be an early sign of the aging process. Similarly, rough, blotchy skin can be a symptom of aging. Paying attention to the appearance of your skin can, over time, warn you that aging is imminent. Your heart rate doesn’t increase as much as it did when you exercise. If you were an athlete or just an active person, you’ve probably monitored your heart rate at times. This can be surprising if you’re used to having a higher beat-per-minute and it’s suddenly much lower. The heart rate struggles to “kick in,” which in some, may contribute to the early onset of diseases such as hypertension or diabetes if left unchecked. You’re getting injured more often, or you find yourself with aches and pains that you didn’t use to have. These are common symptoms of getting old. We think we can do what we did when we were in our twenties or thirties, but as we age, our bone density declines, and this makes movement a little [...]