In a perfect world, we would know which direction to take, whether with decisions about family, career, finances, or loss. But as we know, life is not perfect, and sometimes we need a bit of help. Individual counseling is an option for coping with monumental, life-changing events.

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Please contact our reception team at
(469) 333-6163

You were made for so much more than just surviving day by day. You were made to fulfill the purpose of God and for his glory. But the events and experiences from life can take their toll, and how you view these circumstances can help or hinder you.

Individual counseling can help in matters like:

  • Career and education decisions
  • Family strife
  • Grief and loss
  • Chemical dependence and substance abuse
  • Childhood trauma
  • Mental health disorders
  • Communication issues
  • Marriage problems
  • Guilt and shame
  • Stress management
  • Worry and anxiety
  • Personal relationships

This is by no means a complete list. Any topic that affects your life and robs you of peace can be discussed with one of our specialists in individual counseling.

Counseling or therapy has gotten a bad rap over the years. In the past, people viewed therapy as a weakness. Yet, even well-known celebrities, leaders, and preachers use counseling to understand the human psyche and why we do the things we do. Paul in the Bible stated, “I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate.” (Romans 7:15 NLT) Paul knew that without Jesus Christ, he would remain in his sinful nature.

As adults, we tend to know right from wrong, but we live in a sinful world. Either other people or we behave in ways contradictory to the Christian life, and then we must face the consequences of these actions. Individual counseling helps to break down the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors stalling you so that you can move forward.

Individual counseling in Flower Mound can assist you in making better, informed decisions about financial, education, and career matters. We can help you sort through the fluff and get to the root of why you want to do something or to the real reason why you resist making progress. Imagine being able to identify self-sabotage and stopping it in its tracks. How far could you go? How many goals could you meet if you took self-sabotage out of the picture? It’s empowering to imagine what is possible with God’s help.

Individual counseling with our team of associates in Flower Mound is confidential. You can speak about anything on your mind. This is not a place where we listen and do nothing to help you manage. We want to see you thrive and accomplish your dreams. We want to see you overcome the things holding you back and be successful in every area of your life.

Here are some of the topics our clients come to us for help in overcoming so they can be the person God made them to be:

  • Childhood trauma like neglect, abandonment issues, or physical/emotional/sexual abuse
  • Relationship issues like abuse and codependency
  • Substance abuse, chemical dependence, or alcoholism
  • Impulsive behaviors such as partying, sexual promiscuity, or addictions
  • Trauma from losing a loved one
  • Marital problems like infidelity, sexual problems, fertility issues, overworking, or debt
  • Anger issues
  • Mental health conditions such as depression or anxiety
  • Mental health disorders like eating disorders, Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or PTSD
  • Personal development issues (personal, professional, or spiritual)
  • Life-altering events like marriage, divorce, unemployment, promotions, the birth of children, and the empty nest
  • Financial struggles, gambling, and debt
  • Questions about faith, sexuality, and any controversial beliefs

No topic is off the table because no issue is too big for our God. No matter how you feel about a circumstance, God already knows about it. We turn to him for guidance, and he provides our clients with a team for support and encouragement.

It is in our darkest hours that God’s light shines the brightest. Christian counselors walk with you to overcome the darkness. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.” (John 8:12 NLT)

God created the human body and our brain circuitry. We are blessed to have been given a peek at the psychology behind our thoughts and actions. Our counseling team helps our clients pinpoint the areas where thoughts and emotions can lead to negative behaviors by combining faith with scientific techniques. We learn how to reprogram our reactions to these emotions and choose different behaviors by leaning on God.

Psychotherapy is an effective treatment option. Talking with a professional about the problems, worries, anxieties, and hurts you feel lightens the burden you were never meant to carry. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness but strength. It takes a strong person to seek advice and wisdom and search for a way to change. Most people prefer to wallow in misery, living a life Jesus never intended for them to live when he broke our chains of bondage to sin.

Deep pain and sadness can take center stage and demand to be seen in the light. Christian individual counseling in Flower Mound uproots these emotions and helps you overcome them while placing those feelings in the past. Does counseling rewrite the past? No, but we do show you a way to move forward. You are not living in the past anymore; your future is yet to come, and God is already standing there, waiting for you to trust him.

The tools and techniques we provide are methods you can use for life. You can use these methods for various issues, so the skills you learn will carry you past your initial reason for visiting us. The most important aspect of individual counseling will focus on your personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus is our Healer, our Advisor, and our Physician. We are honored for him to work through our team to help clients with their breakthroughs into freedom.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(469) 333-6163

Next Steps

People have visited pastors and clergy members for assistance and advice for years. Christian individual counseling by licensed therapists in Flower Mound adds psychological breakthroughs and innovative and efficient treatments to help clients. The CDC estimates that more than 50% of the population will suffer from a mental health disorder or condition during their lifetimes.

How many will seek professional treatment? Almost 20% of the population in the U. S. reached out for mental health treatments in 2019. Those numbers have only risen during the pandemic, with more people feeling depressed and anxious, dealing with illness and grief, and some trying to cope with marital problems and divorce.

Each individual counseling session is confidential and personalized to your needs. You can rest knowing that what you share will stay between your therapist and you. As you grow in your relationship with Christ, you may want to branch out to fellowship with other believers or join group therapy sessions.

Your treatment is at your pace. Your therapist will challenge you at times (challenge brings growth), but if you will only commit to your personalized program, you will see results. We are cheering you on, and we believe you can do this!

If you are a Christian needing individual counseling in Flower Mound, reach out to us today. We have licensed mental health professionals ready to consult with you. You never need to go through life alone or face obstacles without a support system. Life will throw you at times, and sometimes it can feel dark and bleak, but Jesus is in the darkness with you, and he holds the light.

Let us help you find your light in Jesus and become an over comer, strengthened by his word and the whole armor of God. Individual counseling with a faith-based center will challenge you to grow spiritually and emotionally. Call us today for a consultation.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(469) 333-6163