Every Good Gift: Overcoming Rejection and Insecurity
There are countless ways that we may experience rejection. From childhood to adulthood, these wounds are usually inflicted by those with whom we felt safe such as parents, partners, or other influential people. When we are experiencing the fallout from disapproval, denied love, attention, or interest, it is important that we soak in the Truth of God’s Word as our remedy. Although the enemy seeks to destroy us with perception, whether it is how we perceive others or how we believe that they see us, he operates in lies. While everyone may not receive the gift of who we are, we still have immeasurable value. When we elevate the opinion of people above our Maker, we afflict our souls with shame and rejection. As a result, we partner with insecurity and agree with a lowly self-view that God didn’t create or endorse. Although others may have rejected you, the Father does not. Others may have withdrawn themselves from you, but you can embrace the self-compassion and grace to heal and redeem what is broken and lost. Search Scripture and find where you are seen and known, accepted, and beloved as the Father’s dear child. Fight rejection by agreeing with God’s Word Break up with the wrong view that suggests you are inadequate in any way. The voice of the accuser often works against us to promote insecurity and disconnection from our true identity. When we consistently read and hear the Truth of God’s Word, we train our souls to identify with it personally. When we submit ourselves to God’s authority, despite what our emotions and experiences may scream, we transform and evolve. This frees us to encounter and discover who God knew was there all along. Acknowledge what the Father calls good You worship God when you agree with [...]