Marriage in the Bible is a sacred union between a man and a woman. God created it so that neither had to be alone. When you combine the three (God, husband, and wife), they can conquer anything. “A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.” (Ecclesiastes 4:12 NLT)

However, divorce rates have risen. About half of all marriages end in divorce in the US, making the United States the sixth highest country in divorce rates. The statistics worsen with 60% of second marriages and 73% of third marriages ending in divorce. Do not allow this statistic to scare you. God has his hand over you and your spouse. He wants you to be united: “And he [Jesus] said, ‘This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.’” (Matthew 19:5 NLT)

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So, what is the difference between your great-great-grandparents’ marriage that lasted 68 years and your marriage that is barely hanging on by a thread at the three-year mark? It could be several things, and it may take time to unpack where the issues stem from in your own marriage. However, the quicker you can pinpoint the problem, the better chance you and your spouse will find ways to get through it together.

Here is a list of several reasons people become discontent in their marriage:

  • Comparing your marriage to other people’s marriages, especially on social media
  • Financial irresponsibility or debilitating debt
  • Sexual and intimacy issues
  • Parenting disagreements
  • Conflicting work schedules
  • Temptation and infidelity
  • Nothing in common
  • No friendship between the couple
  • Stress of raising children, taking care of aging parents, and pursuing a career
  • Substance abuse or chemical dependence
  • Physical or emotional abuse
  • Addictions
  • Mental health concerns or disorders

The list goes on but can include things as innocuous as pet peeves and as severe as sexual abuse. No two marriages are alike. (NOTE: If you are in a toxic and harmful marriage where physical or sexual abuse is present, reach out for support today. God wants you to be safe with a spouse who shows Christ’s love as was Jesus’ example to the church.)

Even extreme marital issues such as addiction can be worked through with professional help. Our trained and licensed therapists in Flower Mound specialize in marriage counseling and psychological methods to improve communication skills, educate about budgeting and finances, and how to shift perspectives before an argument gets out of hand.

These problem-solving tools and timeless methods will carry well past your initial therapy sessions and can be used for decades in your marriage. Having an unbiased third party listening and asking questions during a session can help dissolve some issues and complaints on the spot. Unlike your friends, family, and coworkers, a therapist can give you knowledgeable advice on how to get through a problem without their own personal experiences muddying up their suggestions.

People tend to base their advice on what they have experienced in the past, and this may not be the case with your marriage at all. You want to work with a team of Christian counselors in Flower Mound who can disassociate their personal life from your marriage counseling sessions. Our licensed therapists are trained to do just that, focusing on your unique situation.

From the very beginning with Adam and Eve, God gave his human creations a mate to manage and enjoy life with during their time on earth. However, before you can love and appreciate your spouse, you have to love and appreciate yourself. Managing your own emotions and behaviors is a step toward understanding why someone you love does the things they do.

Both partners in marriage are subject to this scripture: “How can you think of saying, ‘Friend, let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye,’ when you can’t see past the log in your own eye? Hypocrite! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend’s eye.” (Luke 6:42 NLT)

Marriage counseling delves deep to expose the root of contention. Not only that, but it gives you a safe place without judgment, anger, or rash decisions.

Our goal is to help you and your spouse to:

  • Form a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
  • Learn new communication skills
  • Draw from problem-solving tools
  • Rebuild trust and honesty
  • Beat addictions
  • Manage mental health conditions
  • Process complicated grief or trauma
  • Take control of the budget and finances
  • Uncover deeply rooted issues that are causing problems in the marriage

Marriage counseling should not be a last-ditch effort to save your marriage. Working with a therapist early is like taking out a life insurance policy and maintaining your health to live longer. Investing in your relationship early can head off a marriage crisis.

A Christ-centered marriage where both believers have strong ties to their faith can strengthen your union and lower the likelihood of a divorce. When you follow the Bible’s emphasis on marriage, it gives hope that you can stick it out through the rough spots.

Christian marriage counseling in Flower Mound is also beneficial to those couples where only one spouse is a believer. In some cases, a spouse is introduced to Jesus Christ after the marriage. This can cause issues as the believer wants to lead a Christian lifestyle, but their spouse is not on board. Our trained counselors know how to maneuver through this so you both can appreciate your journeys yet still have spiritual growth.

There is great hope in this verse: “Don’t you wives realize that your husbands might be saved because of you? And don’t you husbands realize that your wives might be saved because of you?” (1 Corinthians 7:16 NLT) God can move in a marriage, in a family, where every member joins Christ. Every couple is different, and God has a plan for the pair when he blesses their vows. Marriage counseling helps build hope and faith in what God has planned for your future.

Christian marriage counseling has been proven in surveys to help severely-distressed couples. Four years after the initial counseling sessions, 48% of these marriages showed significant improvement. Imagine being able to grasp that if the two of you can take the first step and work and fight for your marriage, there is a high chance you will still be together years later – and that your marriage will be better!

If that sounds hard to imagine, contact us today. We would love to talk with you about the best way to approach your specific issues within your marriage. We know that no two people are alike, nor are all marriages the same. But we do know that we have a mighty God who wants to see the two of you build a solid foundation.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(469) 333-6163

Next Steps in Marriage Counseling

God created marriage as a covenant between himself and a couple. He should be at the center of any marriage for lasting happiness and fulfillment. You will have disagreements, and there will be times when crisis enters your marriage with serious situations that can leave your marriage decimated. But God knows how to heal the union between a husband and a wife.

We want to help your marriage heal. We want nothing more than to see you and your spouse in a relationship that lasts 40, 50, or 60+ years. The couples that lasted that long in a happy marriage have also struggled with serious problems, but you will come out the other side if you commit to working through the rough spots.

Call us today to speak to one of our licensed counseling professionals specializing in marriage counseling in Flower Mound. We are here from the day the two of you walk down the aisle to the days when you sit in your rocking chairs holding hands.

“Since they are no longer two but one, let no one split apart what God has joined together.” (Matthew 19:6 NLT)

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(469) 333-6163