From the time they are boys, men are indoctrinated into a world that does them harm more than good in the long run. Over the past couple of years, there have been conversations about toxic masculinity, but we need to start having conversations about some of the stereotypes and expectations put on men that are detrimental to their health and well-being. One of those aspects that needs to be revisited is the role and importance of male friendships.

Many young boys found it easy to form and maintain friendships when they were young. It was an integral part of who they were. As they grow older though, these friendships most of the time dwindle.

One of the contributing factors has been this harmful notion that men need to be stoic in their manner and learn to stand on their own; masculinity demands autonomy. The concept of having close friendships, especially those you share your life and feelings with is frowned upon, which then makes it difficult for men to seek healthy relationships with other men.

With loneliness being a global health pandemic, it is important to advocate for male friendships. Even in the wild, animals rely on each other for their sole survival. We are no different. Human beings are social being and our health and well-being is tied to our community and our relationships, hence having male friendships is vital for other men.

To counteract loneliness and isolation, which have negative effects on men’s health, it is important as a society we encourage and make it normal for men to have close, dependable, and strong friendships.

Why male friendships are important.

Emotional Support.

Men also have emotional needs. By having friendships, men can have safe spaces where they can be vulnerable, share their fears, and seek emotional support from those who understand their journey.

Unburdening romantic partners.

Men without friendships unfortunately can have an over-dependence on their romantic partners to fulfill the roles that friendships can fill. Men without relationships outside their marriage or romantic relationship would therefore expect the partner to provide for all their social and emotional needs, an unrealistic expectation that can cause friction in the relationship.

Healthy Life.

Healthy living is supported by having meaningful relationships and interactions. Healthy male friendships are essential for the reduction of stress, boosting our mental health which will in turn benefit our physical health.

Having other people in one’s life.

Close friendships have been seen to enhance general well-being, thus contributing to the quality of life and longevity.

Sense of belonging and purpose.

Living with a sense of belonging gives meaning to our lives. Friendships provide individuals with the opportunity to connect, socialize, and be part of something, which this essential for well-being and general belonging. Loneliness is hard.

Accountability and discipline.

When someone has a group of friends, they provide opportunities for fun and enjoyment and can also be vital for accountability.

We need people who are there to help us walk the straight and narrow, hold us to account when we don’t, and provide the support needed to find our way. Male friendships are essential for this reason. When someone knows they are accountable to other people they try to make better choices about their lives.

Personal growth.

No man is an island. None of us can make it in life without the help, support, and encouragement of other people. Men benefit greatly from their friendships as they can be supported in their journey to becoming their best version. Whether it’s being celebrated for an achievement or being encouraged when one has failed, male friendships are essential to personal growth.

Sharing experiences.

Men are not here on earth just to work and provide for their families. An integral part of their existence is the ability to have fun and share life’s experiences. These experiences are made richer by having friends to share them with. It doesn’t matter if it’s going to watch a football match, go on vacation, or play video games, we get more enjoyment when we share those experiences with friends.

Improves emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to detect and interpret the emotions of those we are around us and through understanding our own emotions we choose how to behave. When we spend time with our friends, we are constantly being given opportunities to improve our understanding of ourselves and others, a skill that can serve us in other areas of our lives.

We can help.

As mentioned earlier, loneliness is being defined as a global pandemic. Life can be difficult when we do not have a social circle around us. If you are a man who wants to know more about how to form and maintain friendships for your well-being, do not hesitate to get in touch with us at Flower Mound Christian Counseling.

At Flower Mound Christian Counseling in Texas, we have qualified counselors who will help you understand yourself and work with you as you start building meaningful friendships in your life.

“Sitting on the Mountaintop”, Courtesy of Matheus Ferrero,, CC0 License; “Running to the Water”, Courtesy of Oliver Sjöström,, CC0 License; “Posse”, Courtesy of Kari Shea,, CC0 License